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Li T, Yang G, Zhu Y, Tzang FC et al. Beneficial effects of novel cross-linked hemoglobin YQ23 on hemorrhagic shock in rats and pigs. J Surg Res. 210:213-222. 2017

Qi X,  Wong BL, Lau SH, Ng KT et al. A hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier sensitized Cisplatin based chemotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncotarget. 8(49):85311-85325. 2017

Lee NP, Chan KT, Choi MY, Lam HY et al. Oxygen carrier YQ23 can enhance the chemotherapeutic drug responses of chemoresistant esophageal tumor xenografts. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol.76(6):1199-207. 2015

Li CX, Wong BL, Ling CC, Ma YY et al. A novel oxygen carrier "YQ23" suppresses the liver tumor metastasis by decreasing circulating endothelial progenitor cells and regulatory T cells. BMC Cancer. 14:293. 2014

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